We have transitioned from the old events calendar to Meetup.com. Please use the Members Meetup link below or click here and sign up.
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Here are some pictures and videos of our activities. Many more are available on our meetup site. Only club members can see the additional photos on Meetup.com.
Over the past years, we have had lots of runs and fun events. A lot of these events can be recreated this year - and if you are willing to host or lead the event, our VPEvents would be happy to help you plan and communicate your event to the club.
Past runs include:
Trips to Lake Havasu & Laughlin and Fireworks convention display
Trips to Winslow (stay at La Posada) and tour nearby Flagstaff.
Day trips to Mormon Lake, Wickenburg, Tortilla Flats, Canyon Lake, Saguaro Lake, St. Anthony’s Monastery, Cave Creek, Casa Grande Ruins, Globe with side trips to Winkelman and Superior.
Picnics at North Mountain Park, South Mountain Park and other areas!
Trips on the Verde Valley Railroad.
Ready to join? Go to Membership for more information.
Ready to lead or host? Contact our VPEvents for more information.
Here are some pictures and videos of our activities. Many more are available on our meetup site. Only club members can see the additional photos on Meetup.com.
Over the past years, we have had lots of runs and fun events. A lot of these events can be recreated this year - and if you are willing to host or lead the event, our VPEvents would be happy to help you plan and communicate your event to the club.
Past runs include:
Trips to Lake Havasu & Laughlin and Fireworks convention display
Trips to Winslow (stay at La Posada) and tour nearby Flagstaff.
Day trips to Mormon Lake, Wickenburg, Tortilla Flats, Canyon Lake, Saguaro Lake, St. Anthony’s Monastery, Cave Creek, Casa Grande Ruins, Globe with side trips to Winkelman and Superior.
Picnics at North Mountain Park, South Mountain Park and other areas!
Trips on the Verde Valley Railroad.
Ready to join? Go to Membership for more information.
Ready to lead or host? Contact our VPEvents for more information.
Sahuaro Miata Club detailing at Detail Garage, Mesa AZ Aug 2020
Thanks to Detail Garage for hosting this event. Thanks also to members - Tim K, Steve T, and Mike R for volunteering!
2016 Tortilla Flats
2016 Tortilla Flats
2014 Devil's Hiway Run
Steve in the Phoenix Veteran's Day Parade
Mike holding everyone spellbound at Tech Day